Krakow Private Jewish Tours
About us

The idea of creating the company Kroke Jewish Tours was based on many factors. We have observed after so many years of guiding thousands tourists that there is a high interest in learning about Jewish Krakow - Jewish history, WWII, the Holocaust, Schindler’s List, Communism, and the Jewish revival in Poland. All of these interests can be seen in Krakow at museums, centres for cultures, institutions, events, restaurants, and concerts. As local Krakowians, we have witnessed many of these changes because we grew up here while our ancestors shared with us many stories of the past.

All of these things inspired us to create tours that covers Jewish Krakow in much greater depth. We want to share with you the knowledge we acquired at universities, lectures, and other educational courses. Our participation in Jewish festivals and volunteering in the Jewish community has given us the experience and understanding of what Jewish life is in Krakow. We are not only knowledgeable about this topic, but are also very passionate about educating tourists on both the past and present of Jewish life in Krakow.

Why is this so important to us? Jews have been in Poland for over 800 years and have also been living in Krakow since the beginning. The Jewish people are not only neighbours of Pols, but share a history and homeland too. We cannot forget about the tragic history of the Holocaust, but we should also focus on the present and future of Jewish life here.

We are helping build a Jewish future in Krakow!
Eliza Mrozińska

Eliza Mrozińska It is a privilege for me to be a tour guide in Krakow and show the city through my eyes. I became a professional certified guide because I believe in quality not quantity. I love to wander around Kazimierz and show all the sites related to the Jewish culture and history.


Eliza's tour guide license

Eliza's certificate - Cursera

Eliza's certificate - Yivo

Eliza's certificate

Jewish Community Centre - Eliza's certificate

Agnieszka Misina

Agnieszka Misina I have over 10 years of experience in tourism and working with English and French speaking tourists from all over the world. What I've enjoyed most throughout all of these years is having opportunity to meet people from all over the world and show them my city


Agnieszka tour guide license

Agnieszka's certificate1

Jewish Community Centre - Agnieszka's certificate

Agnieszka's certificate